Thursday, May 29, 2008

My Brewers suck!

I got up nice and early today to hit the gym since I was taking the day off to do a Brewers day game. So I was at the gym at 5:15 and got a great workout in...although I saw creepy stalker guy in the parking lot on my way out of the gym. Damnit!! Anyway, I did a 5 minute warm-up on the super stairmaster, then shoulders/bis/tris, and finished it off with 30 minutes of incline walking on the treadmill. I'll list my exercises at the end of this post.

The group of us that were going met at 8:30 and were in the parking lot and set-up by 10am. I had 1 1/2 turkey brats, some edamame, and strawberries and drank water. I'm very proud of myself on that one. Then we headed in and stayed for the whole game. The problem is, we lost 8-1. I won't explain it all, but it was bad. Especially after taking the 1st 2 games of the series. I'm seriously still pissed at the 3rd base coach and Prince Fielder...that's all I'm gonna say. We were planning on staying a bit longer after the game but it was raining so we headed home. So, here I am, writing this post and watching So You Think You Can Dance (I DVR'd it). I'm finally purchasing that bike tonight so I'm waiting to go pick it up. I have the day off tomorrow so I'll get a good workout in, get some healthy groceries, pick up my new drivers license and hopefully get a ride in if the weather is nice.

So, today I did shoulders, bis and tris at the gym. I did 5 sets of each for 12, 10, 8, 6, 4 reps for each superset.

Group 1:
- Military Press
- EZ Bar Bicep Curl
- Assisted Dips
Group 2:
- DB Shoulder Press
- DB Seated Bicep Curls
- Triceps Kickback
Group 3:
- Rear Deltoid
- Cybex Arm Curl
- Cybex Triceps Extension
Group 4:
- Cable Cross-over shoulder pull
- Double Biceps Cable Curl
- Cable Rope Extension

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