Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Shame on me

I was supposed to get up this morning and do a hill run workout for my cardio today. When the alarm went off at 4:15, I hit the snooze once. After I got up to hit the head, I decided since it was raining a bit and dark that a hill run wouldn't be the safest thing. So I reset the alarm for 5:30 and went back to bed. Shame on me! I should have just put my shoes on and left. I obviously wasn't thinking clearly at 4:20am because I was telling myself I could just do it after work. Today I do not have a weight workout, just Yoga at lunch. Well, I told myself wrong because we have tickets to the Brewers game against the Dodgers tonight. It wouldn't be that big of a deal since first pitch isn't till 7:05, but we live in Madison and the game is in Milwaukee. Luckily I try to walk twice a day for 15 minutes at work and we are for sure at least getting a morning walk in today at about 9:15.
I guess I shouldn't complain too much because Jon had to go to work in Milwaukee for a job last minute. He then has to drive back and then we head there again for the game. I told him we didn't have to go (even though I already purchased the tickets) but he really wants to see the Brewers beat the Dodgers with Joe Torre as the manager. Unfortunately, every game that we have been to together this year the Brewers have lost. Now, I've been to 2 other games and they won both of maybe Jon is the weak link. I may have to tell him my theory.
My shoulder/bi/tri workout yesterday was great. It looked something like this (and this is just an estimate because my workout log is in the car):
(Note all groups are done as supersets with a cardio type exercise for 1 minute at the completion of each set...each group is done for 5 sets of 12, 10, 8, 6 and 4 reps)
Group 1
- DB Shoulder Press
- Seated DB Bicep Curls
- Seated DB Tricep Extension
- Jump Rope (1 minute)
Group 2
- DB Front Lateral Raise
- Reverse Incline DB Bicep Curl
- Weighted Bench Dips
- Jump Rope (1 minute)
Group 3
- Low cable shoulder crossovers
- Double Cable Bicep Curls
- Single Arm Reverse Cable Triceps pulldown
- Lateral jumps (1 minute)
Group 4
- Rear Delt Machine
- Cybex Bicep Curl
- Cybex Triceps Extension
- Lateral Jumps (1 minute)
The entire workout (with stopping to make small talk 2 times) took me 1 hour. I only rested 30 seconds in between each set. It was a tough workout but a good one.
Now, my biggest issue at the gym right now is this totally weird guy. I talked to him once while I was preparing for my last show (probably about 4 weeks out from my show) because he kept getting in my way of the mirror at the gym. The gym was completely packed and I made every effort to find a spot in front of the mirror where I could see myself. So, he apologized and then from there kept talking to me. Not a big deal, really. But he'd try to have these long-ass conversations with me. I'm NOT there for conversation and socialization. Granted, I do talk to people I know but I don't carry on lengthy conversations UNLESS it is about training. Anyway, then he'd start waiting till I was on some type of cardio machine so I couldn't get away and try and talk to me for the whole time...even if I was reading. Not only that, he'd stare me up and down the entire time which made me want to throw up. The final kicker was when he mentioned specific stickers on my car and my boyfriend's name (which I never said to him). To top it off, on days when I was pulling 2-a-days, he'd show up both times. Who does 2-a-days when they aren't really preparing...and on a Saturday!!?? Also, he wears the same workout clothes every day. He doesn't smell so I'm sure he washes them, but it's still weird. Anyway, I finally made the effort to not make eye contact or tell him I didn't feel like talking. Now he stares me down or tries to work out by me. I'm at the point where I'm worried he is going to kill me (I know, probably not) and am ready to switch to the gym's other location. But seriously, he really creeps me out!!!
OK, enough on that. Tomorrow I have legs and abs. I'm going to try to remember to start posting my workouts every day in my blog for anyone that is looking for some workout ideas.

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