Friday, May 16, 2008

Minor Issues

Well, I had planned to do legs and cardio at the gym yesterday. But at about 10am I felt as if I was experiencing some indigestion. Now, I haven’t had a case of indigestion in like 6 or 7 months. I used to experience it sometimes with dairy products or if I waited too long between ‘feedings’ because of acid buildup. Welll, I was feeling that acid buildup just after 10. I had just had some oatmeal and almonds so I couldn’t figure out why I was experiencing it. So I went to meet my mom for lunch at 11:30 and the indigestion feeling was getting progressively worse. I figured if I ate it would probably go away. So I ordered just plain wheat pasta and a tall glass of water. While I was eating I was getting these bad ‘waves’. I figured I’d stop at Walgreens on the way back to work to get an antacid. My mom was suggesting I go to the doctor but I said I was fine. I took the Zantac 75 at about noon. By about 1pm I was in some much pain, curled up at my desk. I finally went into my boss’ office, at the verge of tears, and told him I was going to Urgent Care. He said I obviously wasn’t driving myself so he took me over. My mom met me there as Jon was in Milwaukee for work. I couldn’t walk and if this really was indigestion, it was the worst case ever. When I wasn’t having ‘waves,’ the pain was at about a 7 on a 1-10 scale. When I was having ‘waves,’ it was definitely a 10. So they gave me something for pain, had me drink a GI cocktail that numbs everything, and did an exam. It took another hour for the pain to go away completely and by this time it was 4pm. So I was having these pains from 10am to 4pm. Wow! So they scheduled an ultrasound, ran some labs, etc. My mom and all of her sisters and her mom had all had their gallbladder’s removed so they figured it had something to do with that…or just the worst case of acid reflux ever. So I had my ultrasound this morning and am still awaiting the results. They think I might have actually been passing a gallstone and that’s why it was so painful. So we’ll see. They gave me something to drink at my follow-up this mornign to pass it if it was there. If I have the same thing happen again and it was a stone, then they’ll remove the gallbladder. So, it’s pretty much a ‘wait and see if I’m ever in that much pain again’ situation. Fun! My kidney levels were a little elevated from my urine tests but nothing out of the ordinary for how much protein I take in. I’d also eaten a meal replacement bar that morning that had 50g of carbs so that was probably why my glucose level was a little high. My creatine levels were normal so she didn’t have any worries. When I went in for my follow up after fasting for 12 hours, all my levels were normal so I’m good. The great news is I’m not pregnant. Jon was happy:)

The funny thing is I felt great yesterday after I went home and slept for 4 hours after my appointment. So today I still feel great and did my leg workout today. So, below is my leg workout that I did today. I performed this all as super sets. After each group of exercises, I sprinted one lap around the track. My cardio today involved 25 minutes on the elliptical on the interval program. I then did a hill run for 10 minutes on my way home.

Group One (5 sets)
- Stick Squats - 15 reps each
- Reverse Lunges - 15, 12, 10, 8, 6 reps each
- Single Leg Calf Raises - 10 reps each
Group Two (5 sets)
- Leg Extensions - 12, 10, 8, 6, 4 reps
- Lying Leg Curls - 12, 10, 8, 6, 4 reps
- Standing Calf Raises - 12, 10, 8, 6, 4 reps
Group Three (5 sets)
- Back Extensions - 15, 12, 10, 8, 6
- Donkey Kicks - 15, 12, 10, 8, 6
- 2nd position calf raises - 15, 12, 10, 8, 6
Group Four (4 sets)
- Cable Hip Abductor - 15, 12, 10, 8
- Cable Hip Adductor - 15, 12, 10, 8
- Seated Calf Raise - 15, 12, 10, 8

It was a great workout. I felt like I definitely was at 85-90% intensity. Tomorrow is chest/back/abs. We decided not to head up to the cabin tonight so we can watch the Brewers game on TV. Our direct tv up at the cabin doesn’t have FSN so we can’t see it up there. So Jon’s just gonna head up tomorrow to get our gear for our camping trip next weekend and I’m gonna stay home so I can hit the gym. Looking forward to dinner with our friends tomorrow night.

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