Thursday, May 28, 2009


I'm just feeling very behind these days. I'm super swamped at work and even though I got to take a tiny 4-day vacation to the Tampa area, it put me back even further but it was great!
Jon had a work trip down there for 3 weeks so I got to go down for a few days. Two of the nights we did a photo shoot on the beach which was great. But now I've put too much weight back on with bad eating habits that I'm going to have to work my butt off (literally) to get back into photo shoot shape (not contest shape). You can view some of the pictures throughout this blog site and I'll attach a few more as well

A group of close friends got together for a Memorial Day Brewers game. It was a complete blast...too bad we had to come to work the day after.

I also got a flat tire this week (an actual blowout) so there's some money down the drain. That's all I need.

Jon and I have been doing a lot of landscaping and other yard work. The house is really starting to come together!

Hopefully I'll start posting more regularly. I know this is a hodge-podge post that is all over the place...but it's been awhile since I posted last.


Monday, May 4, 2009

Road to a new (ms. fit) body

Well, today we do 1-rep maxes at the gym to test my strength and set a great off-season training plan. Some things I need to work on during 2009 to bring my best 'me' to the stage in 2010 are: creating a more defined V-taper, bringing out my front abdominals with a lot more weighted ab work, less side oblique work (especially anything using weights), more quad development, and more bicep development. Then when I get to contest prep mode I will increase my HIIT and interval training and diet out longer (16 weeks as opposed to 12 weeks). Hopefully all of this will help me bring an even better overall package to the stage in 2010 and help me get my Ms. Fit Body pro card. Now, the training plan may slightly change depending on contest dates. It all depends on what contests are planned in the area (don't want to have to spend the money to travel if I don't have to) and which ones offer a pro card. I only plan to compete 2x in 2010.

If you see me, don't forget to ask for a Tight Curves sample (if you are a woman, that is). I have some protein packets to offer up if interested.

Well, back to the grind!