Sunday, May 18, 2008


So now I'm starting to wonder if something really is wrong with my kidneys. Or maybe I'm just being paranoid because I know I have to go in for a CAT scan tomorrow for them and my left lower side kind of hurts from the front to the back. But yesterday I did do some weighted abdominal exercises that I haven't done in at least a month for the first time, so there is a chance that it's my core muscles that are 'hurting' and not my kidneys. I just want to get the CAT scan done and the results back and be done with it. It's stressing me out. And I hate to have to leave work for it but I'd rather get it done and be done with it.

Last night we did Mexican for dinner with friends which was probably a really bad idea. I ate chips and mild salsa before, had a margaritta, and ate all the food on my plate. So by the time we get over to the concert I was completely bloated and thought my stomach was going to burst open at the seams. It was actually making me feel naseous. It progressively got worse so we left. By the time we got home I was feeling a bit better and the food was finally digesting. I gotta stop eating too much in situations like that!! I actually have to stop eating too much period. I'm trying to stay on a post-contest 'diet' with a few cheat meals here and there but keep faltering and having too many cheat meals. I know I have the will-power to do it if I want to, but I'm just not. I've always been a person to overindulge. I can't lie. But since I'd cleaned up my diet back in December before I'd even decided to compete, I was good. I'm relapsing and have to stop. Ahhhhh! I need a swift kick to the head is what I need! 'They' say that after your second show it actually gets easier because 1) you know what to expect and 2) you have learned to control your eating habits. I sure hope 'they' are right.

I did 35 minutes on the elliptical and 10 minutes of fartlick agility after. Then my stalker showed up and luckily I was finished and could avoid him and got the hell out of there. What a nut case. By-the-way, I told him a couple weeks back that he freaks me out and yet he still tries to come by me. Obviously it didn't work. Nutcase! I mention that because someone said I should tell him point blank...but I already did.

I talked to an older gentlemen today at the gym that was asking about my training and such. He used to do bodybuilding when he was younger and single. But he just came back from Switzerland where a female friend of his just competed for a military bodybuilding show and won the masters division. It was just a nice conversation. Really nice guy.

As I prepared for my first contest, everyone at the gym got to watch my transformation. It has created a lot of conversation and has helped me to meet a lot of people. Everyone wants to either congratulate you or know how and what you are doing. So I've met some great people in the last 3 months that I might not have otherwise met...and some creepy ones as well:)
The Brew Crew dropped a double-header to the Red Sox yesterday and are currently down by 4 in the bottom of the 8th and it's not looking good. Our pitching just isn't doing it and the position players have been having a lot of errors lately. I guess the good news is that Braun and Fielder have fired up their bats finally. Braun hit 2 home runs in both games yesterday and 2 home runs today already. It's just frustrating to watch right now. Jon and I think Ned Yost is going to lose his job...but I can't see how they'd go about selecting the next manager. The Brewers Triple-A manager is great and they would most likely bring him up. I think it would be a mistake because if they faltered and he was fired, you couldn't really send him back down to our Triple-A team and it would be a loss to lose him. Jon and I are watching the game in separate rooms right now because we're both so frustrated. :(

I know the Brewers have nothing to do with bodybuilding and all, but it's my life and they are important to me. How they do affects my mood, etc. But since I'm blogging, I figured I should blog about what's on my mind anyway.

Also, I've started writing some articles on my experiences as a figure competitor so watch for those on I'm also a certified fitness trainer so I'll be writing some other educational articles when I can as well.

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