Friday, May 23, 2008

Is the work day done yet? TGIF

I'm looking forward to being done with today's work day. I have a lot of stuff to do but I mostly just want to get to the gym, finish packing, and get on the road for our camping tirp. I am bringing my yoga mat so I can try and do yoga at least 2 out of the 3 mornings. There is plenty of hiking up there so I'm sure I'll get a pretty good workout in while up there.

Today I am going to do a circuit at the gym (which I rarely ever do) to give the body a little jolt. I'm not saying I've plateaued or anything as I haven't. I'm still definitely making gains in strength. But I find that every once in awhile when I throw in something like a circuit or pyramids, that the next week I'm definitely able to make even bigger gains. So I'll try this circuit thing today (then I'm out of the gym for 3 days) and then maybe in 2 or 3 weeks I'll throw a pyramid day in to see if I can make even bigger gains.

The 2 shows that I would like to do still haven't posted their dates yet. But I did find out that one is in October and one is in November. So I don't have to worry about them falling on the same weekend. Hopefully we'll be able to throw Jon's yearly birthday bash the weekend after the first show. He's poo-pooing about it now, though, because he's worried that if I eat, I'll get myself sick, and that I will just not be any fun. I say 'bah' to that. Men are babies sometimes. He also doesn't realize that I've learned quite a bit about myself from this last contest and there are a lot of things about post-contest that I wasn't told that I learned. So I'm much more better prepared to deal with the binging next time. But also, I won't really be able to binge much at all this time because I have a contest 3-5 weeks after the first one.

Well, I guess I should do some work as I have plenty on my plate here.

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