Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Another day, another 36 cents after taxes...

Our first night of volleyball went off well. Though I told all the team captain’s that they had to be paid in full by the first night of play and if they weren’t they’d have to forfeit until they were. Of course one team tries to say they don’t have their money last night and can they pay me next week. No, you can’t. You think it’s completely free to run this league? It costs me $250 to rent 5 nets and line systems, another $75 for mallets to drive the stakes into the ground, $50 for park rental, and teams want prizes at the end of the season. No, you can’t pay me next week. You pay tonight or you forfeit both matches. Miraculously they came up with the money before start time. Go figure! Believe me, I understand how tight money can be. After competing in my last figure show, I’m broke. But, you wanna play, you’re gonna pay. So that’s where my title comes from.

Anyway, I did a hill run for 15 minutes before heading to volleyball. I haven’t played ball in about 6 weeks and it was indoor with 6 people. Moving to outdoor with 4 people in grass is not only a change in the way you play, but you forget about all those other weird muscles you have throughout your body. So I’m definitely sore today. It might not have been as big of a shock had I been at least playing indoor until last week or the week before like a lot of others. But since I took quite a few weeks off to get ready for my show, I’m a hurting sole today…but in a good way. Luckily I have legs today because that part of my body feels fine. If I had to lift shoulders or back today I think I’d probably have to skip out and/or readjust my schedule. See what I mean about volleyball side-tracking me from my gym training?

My team went 4-2 last night. One of the gals I’ve never played with before and the other two I’ve played with before but never at the same time…and never in 4s, only in 6s. So it was a learning experience. I think had we played together as a team in the past, we probably would have won all 6 games. We have off next week all together because of Memorial Day and a bye the week after that. Of course I have to be there because I run the league. That’s a pain, but I offered to do it.

I’m getting excited for Jon and my trip to the Porkies this weekend. We’re going to hit REI tonight to get another tent. We have a backpack tent that does sleep 2, but not comfortably. Since we aren’t camping out of our backpacks and are actually staying in a campsite, I told him I want a little bit bigger tent.

I should get to work. I’m totally procrastinating.

Update on my CAT Scan Results:Well, turns out I'm just fine. The "fluid buildup" they saw between my right kidney and liver was actually just a bit of my colon that's lodged between there. Turns out this can be totally normal. They were a little worried about nephrosis (kidney disease) as well because I had edema for a bit after my contest from binging and retaining too much water. But there is no signs of that either and everything looked completely normal. So, that's good news...now I just have to control my eating after my next contest so I don't have to go through this again!

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