Friday, June 20, 2008


I know, that's a lame title. But it's true!

It's a beautiful day outside but it sounds as if it's supposed to start storming again either tonight or tomorrow. That's the last thing we need...more rain! Augh.

I start my 2nd 6-week split today. I'm moving from my weekly splits of chest/back, legs/abs, shoulders/bis/tris, legs/abs with 5 sets of 12, 10, 8, 6, and 4 to chest/tris, legs/abs, back/bis, legs, and shoulders/abs. I'm going to move to 3 sets of 10 and a set of 12. That set of 12 will be a drop-set for burnout. I'm still in a building phase right now. I've been lucky that I'm still maintaining a good bodyfat percent and not putting on too much weight too quickly.

Work has really been picking up lately. Also, my busiest 4 months are the 4 months following quarter ends: January, April, July, and October. So much of my work is quarterly so I get slammed on those months. At least I'll be busy in October so the time should go fast the month before my contest on November 1st (and November 22nd).

I'm antsy at work right now even though I am busy. It's so nice out and I just don't feel like being here I'm taking the afternoon off.

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