Friday, June 6, 2008

My Own Fit Team

I am going to help train 3 gals (1 from work and 2 from my gym) for one of the figure contests I'm doing in November. I'm looking forward to using my personal training certification for something good since I don't do much with it anymore besides train myself. I met with all 3 of the gals yesterday to get them 'started.' We went over eating plans, workout plans, supplements, contest dates, suits/shoes, posing, etc. It's always nice to have a group of gals to compete with.

Yesterday I had to actually go out of my way to avoid my stalker at the gym. Shitty thing is that I was originally only supposed to do a morning workout yesterday. But I got there later than originally planned so I had to cut my cardio session short. So I went back after work to finish up cardio and abs. This guy just doesn't take a hint, seriously. I'm going to have to now actually be rude about it if he tries to talk to me again. Before I just told him that I don't like to talk to people at the gym. But on Wednesday he actually came and INTERUPTED a conversation I was having with another bodybuilder. How rude can you be? So now he's actually truly pissed me off. Hey, you mess with the bull, you get the horns!! >:{

Yesterday I did a leg workout that consisted of 4 groups of 5 sets each with reps of 12, 10, 8, 6, and 4. I also did 10 minutes on the regular stairmaster in the morning and then 35 minutes on the treadmill at a pretty decent incline walking. My workout is below:
Group 1:
-Leg Extensions (toes pointing regular)
-Lying Leg Curls
-Standing Calf Raises
Group 2:
-Back Extensions
-Flutter kicks
-Single leg calf raises
Group 3:
-Uneven squats (leg up on stepper box)
-Glute Press
-Seated Calf Raises
Group 4:
-Stick Squats
-Leg Raises on bench (lying on stomach to hit hammies and butt)
-2nd position calf raises

Today I lifted chest and back. I ended with 30 minutes on the elliptical machine focusing on the Glute 1 workout. My weight workout consisted of 4 groups of 5 sets each with 12, 10, 8, 6, and 4 reps each. I went up in weight in quite a few exercises and feel that I'll be able to go up in the rest on my next workout and even some of those I already went up in. Also, next week is the last week of this first 6-week split. I will then move my split from chest/back, legs/abs, shoulders/bis/tris, legs/abs to chest/tris, legs/abs, back/bis, legs, shoulders/abs with the same sets/reps for another 6 weeks. Anyway, my workout this morning consisted of:
Group 1:
-Flat Bench
-Assisted Pull-ups (I'm going to be able to do my own bodyweight for 3 or 4 reps soon!!!)
Group 2:
-DB Incline Bench
-One-arm DB row
Group 3:
-Decline Cable Crossover
-One-arm cable row (with lunge/scale)
Group 4:
-DB flies (flat bench)
-Lat pull down

Tomorrow I have 45 minutes of cardio plus hills and sprints. I'm also getting my hair done which I REALLY need! On the positive side for myself, I've been sticking to healthy eating pretty well this last week. Hopefully I'm on an upward trend and will be ready to start preparing truly on August 1st. If I maintain where I am at right now, I should hopefully have an easier time preparing for the next one.

I think the biggest thing right now is to not tell myself I am 'fat.' Obviously, I'm not fat...I'm leaner than I was even before I decided to do my first contest...but I'm obviously not in contest shape because it's something you cannot maintain. So it's a constant mental struggle you have to play with yourself and deal with. A female bodybuilder at the gym yesterday told me that I still look really lean (comparatively) and not to freak out. She told me to just keep doing what I'm that's encouraging.
My new suit is almost ready. I have one more set of rhinestones to put on it. I will need to order a one-piece suit though for the second contest I am going to do. I'll probably do that with the raise I just got at work...that's right! I got a raise. Not huge, but an extra $1K a year is always a help! Anyway, I just have to decide what color suit I want to go with for the one-piece. I'm thinking a purple or lavendar color.

One of the other gals that was in the last show with me brought me some pictures in hard copy today. I'll scan them in when I get a chance and download them. Her husband was smack-dab middle-front so they are right one and you can actually see my makeup. They are a good reminder of what I need to do!!

We found out that another couple that are bodybuilders are huge Brewers fans as well. So Jon and I are going to do a game with them. It helps because they'll do healthy foods to tailgate as well so it's cool.

Best in training, everyone! Just remember that your training is what YOU make it!

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